Sustainable School Uniform made Affordable
Be the first to know when you can download our app and sell your items!

“Children don’t get enough credit today, they take good care of their uniforms. A solution like this is exactly what parents need when they outgrow them“
Affordable Purchasing
Indicate which items you are looking for and we will find a range of prices for you to find them
Easily Manageable
Manage all of your child's school uniform requirements; measurements, quantity and delivery in one place
Rewards for sustainability
We reward parents with cheaper uniform for helping us become more sustainable
How does it work?
When you purchase your school uniform, list the items in your stash-up account. When your child outgrows their item, go into your account and notify us that your item is for sale. We take care of the rest and will let you know when the sale has been made.
Similarly if you are looking for an item, indicate this through your account and we will find all the items in your child’s size available for purchase. You can choose an item that suits you whatever your budget might be!

Learn how we are making school uniform better for everyone

How Can Giving Up Ownership Of School Uniform Be More Sustainable?
Why give up ownership of school uniforms? The idea of getting parents to purchase their children’s school uniform items has been an unquestioned practice...

How can a rating system for uniforms help meet sustainability targets?
How can we know how long a product actually lasts? When parents buy school uniforms they factor in durability of the items, primarily to endure day...
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